Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)

Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)

A Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) is a system designed to encourage recycling by offering consumers a financial incentive for returning used beverage containers for recycling. Typically, consumers pay a small deposit when they purchase a beverage container, which is refunded when they return the empty container to a designated collection point. This helps increase recycling rates, reduce litter, and promote environmental sustainability by ensuring that containers are properly disposed of and recycled. Many countries and regions around the world have implemented DRSs as part of their waste management strategies.

Themain componentsof a DepositReturn Scheme(DRS) typicallyinclude

1. DepositFee
2. ReverseVendingMachines(RVMs)
3. Collection Points
4. DepositHandling System
5. Redemption Centers
6. RegulationFramework